My favourite piece of technology

I think that in my daily life I'm very dependent of my smartphone, because nowadays is the most important way of communication. I do most kind of things with it, I can check my emails, I can communicate with my friends and groups of work. Also I can look for information, but to do a paper work I need to use a computer. In my free time I enter on facebook, instagram and youtube but only for a moment. Also I can listen to music in my way home or to the university. Another thing that is very important of my smartphone is to take pictures, I think a good phone to me, must have a good camera. The smartphone is very important to me because it cover a big amount of functions, and you can take it wherever you want.


  1. Hi Paloma.
    I think smartphones are one of the most useful technologies too.

  2. Hi Paloma,
    What brand of smartphone do you think have the better type of camera?


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