Post 5: My future job

Hi everyone. Today's topic is about my future job. I really don't think much about it . I don't know yet in wich job I want to work in the future. But some times I think that I would like to work in a vineyard, or maybe have my own undertaking related to the agriculture. What I like the most of the second choice is to be my own boss and to be able to take my own decisions without asking anybody. Also I like the second choice because I would have more time to do others things I like such as handcraft. Perhaps I could do both of these thing, first to work in a vineyard and then have my undertaking. About of taking a major after I graduate, I'm not interested right now but I don't reject the possiblity, if the opportunity comes, of course I will take it. I think there is still a long time to think about that and many things can change with the time. If I have to say something about my strengths I would say that my strengths are that I am an optimistic person, that I'm persistent I think and that I like to learn and I'm willing to it.


  1. Everything can change in a few years, keep going with the second one!

  2. You have a lot of time to think about your job yet;) ..... Being your own boss sounds great (but I'm too insecure to be alone ;-;)


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