Post 6 : Post graduate studies

Hi everyone. How are you been these days? Today we have to write about post graduate studies, a tedious topic for me. Personally I'm not very interested in this theme and I don't know much about it. I think that after 5 or more years studying I won't be very crazy about more of it. It isn't just a matter of not continuing studying, as well is the matter of money, because I'm not studying for free rigth now and the education in this country is very expensive. Maybe in the future when I have a job and I have the need or the interest of doing a master degree I would do it. Another reason that I'm not considering to do a Master after I finish my career is because as soon as I graduate I would like to become independent and to do that I need a job, I could not afford to pay for a Master, and also I will not have the time for that. But to do courses I'm more interested, it could be related to the agriculture or maybe not. I think that in our lifes we never stop learning, is such an important thing and if we have the oppotunity and we want to do it we have to take it. Good bye!


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