My Autobiography
My name is Paloma, I am 22 years old, I was born in Santiago of Chile. I studied at Colegio Altamira my entire high school, when I finish high school in 2013. I didn't know what to study, so I apply for Bachillerato in Universidad de Chile but my score in PSU wasn`t enogh, so I entered to Food Engineering in Universidad the Chile. I studied for 1 year and a half, but I didn't like it, so I give up. In 2016 I entered to Agricultur Engeneering in Universidad de Chile and today I'm in third year and I like it. When I have free time I like to go to visit my father in Temuco, he moved there at 3 years, so I go there some weekends. Also I like to hang out with friends and to be with my boyfriend "kaki". I love to travel and to visit diferent places, all the years I work to make money to travel to somewhere. Now I'm starting to learn to crochet and I like it very much.